record 1.5

Logo and editorial design for a documentary movie project 

record 1.5 is a project by Japanese young climate activists who visited COP27 in Egypt in 2022. It aims to cover the event from their perspective and produce a video documentary.

I was in charge of designing the project logo, the booklet that summarised the interviews at the venue and the poster.

I was moved by the passion for climate justice from Suzuka Nakamura, Daiki Yamamoto and the other crew members involved in running this project. I am also grateful for the opportunity to be involved in this project, which allowed me to learn not only about the results of COP27 but also about the day-to-day actions demonstrated by climate activists from all over the world and the greenwashing by companies at the pavilions. We are grateful for this opportunity.

The completed film 'Climate Crisis Cries Out' is available on the record 1.5 YouTube channel. (Japanese only) 

気候危機を記憶する発信型ムーブメント 「record 1.5」 は2022年にエジプトで行われたCOP27(第27回 気候変動枠組条約締約国会議)を日本の若者が現地に赴き、彼ら彼女らの視点で取材し、映像ドキュメンタリーを制作するという取り組み。

私はプロジェクト名 record1.5のロゴ、会場での取材の様子をまとめた冊子、映像ポスターのデザインを担当しました。 


完成した映像作品 「気候危機が叫ぶ」 はrecord1.5 の Youtube チャンネルでご覧いただけます。

︎︎︎record1.5 website 
Client: Daiki Yamamoto, Suzuka Nakamura
Main visual photos: Mutsumi Kurobe 
Designed in 2022

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