
︎5th September 2023
How designers should deal with their work for sustainable ‘good creations’. by designing,
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持続可能な“よいものづくり”のために、デザイナーはいかにして「仕事」と向き合うべきか——熊野亘×長嶋りかこ×平山みな美 by designing 
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︎28th May 2023
“How to connect me and the future” by Asahi telling, 
Sustainable batton #5
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「わたしと未来のつなぎかた」by 朝日telling, インタビュー
サステイナブルバトン 5
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︎September 15th 2023
artscape by DNP
“Rethinking Capitalism in Graphic Design”

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artscape by DNP
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︎9th February 2023
Scratching the Surface
“What can graphic designers do in the era of climate crisis?”
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Scratching the Surface
『What can graphic designers do in the era of climate crisis?』
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︎November 26th 2021
The Graphic Design Review by JAGDA
No.45: Book review “CAPS LOCK”
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The Graphic Design Review by JAGDA
第45回『CAPS LOCK』を読む
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︎November 16th 2021
CULTIBASE  “World Design School Trip”
No.8: To look out for the role of graphic design in the era of climate crisis – What I learnt at Danish Royal Academy
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CULTIBASE 連載 「世界のデザインスクール紀行」
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︎January 8th 2021
NHK “Future of the Planet”
To the sustainable future  “Five things we can do”
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NHK 地球のミライ
持続可能な未来へ 「わたしたちにできる5つのこと」
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