Poster for Japanese local elections

I made a poster for the big local elections that happens all over Japan in April 2023. You can download the print PDF here. This below is the statement regarding the poster.
Haven’t we been led to believe that what goes wrong around us is our fault? Haven’t we become so accustomed to putting up with those hardships? Time and time again, someone's suffering and tears have been ignored, and it seems to me that our current society has become such a cold place.
I believe that politics exists to help someone, including those who are in need or sad about something, or even other living beings who are suffering without a voice. Voting can be an opportunity to show your compassion for someone you care about, and also yourself.
This “Vote Poster” project aims to increase voter turnout and to make people think again about voting, by producing posters calling for people to go to the polls, putting up these posters at home and in the streets, and spreading them on social media to create an opportunity to have a dialogue with those close to you. As an organiser of the project, together with Saki Soda (graphic designer/illustrator) and Ayumi Oka (editor), I organised #voteposter2021 for the general election for the House of Representatives in 2021 and #voteposter2022 for the general election for the House of Councillors in 2022. This time, I am happy to finally be able to create my own poster, while running the project. I would like to do everything I can to encourage as many people as possible to think about voting and cast their vote.
Haven’t we been led to believe that what goes wrong around us is our fault? Haven’t we become so accustomed to putting up with those hardships? Time and time again, someone's suffering and tears have been ignored, and it seems to me that our current society has become such a cold place.
I believe that politics exists to help someone, including those who are in need or sad about something, or even other living beings who are suffering without a voice. Voting can be an opportunity to show your compassion for someone you care about, and also yourself.
This “Vote Poster” project aims to increase voter turnout and to make people think again about voting, by producing posters calling for people to go to the polls, putting up these posters at home and in the streets, and spreading them on social media to create an opportunity to have a dialogue with those close to you. As an organiser of the project, together with Saki Soda (graphic designer/illustrator) and Ayumi Oka (editor), I organised #voteposter2021 for the general election for the House of Representatives in 2021 and #voteposter2022 for the general election for the House of Councillors in 2022. This time, I am happy to finally be able to create my own poster, while running the project. I would like to do everything I can to encourage as many people as possible to think about voting and cast their vote.
この投票ポスターという企画は、投票率を上げること、投票について改めて考えることを目的として、投票に行くことを呼びかけるポスターを制作したり、そのポスターを家や街中に貼ったり、SNSで拡散したりして、身近な人と選挙について対話するきっかけを生み出すプロジェクトです。私は惣田紗希さん(グラフィックデザイナー/イラストレーター)と岡あゆみさん(編集者)と共に運営メンバーとして、2021年の衆議院議員総選挙の際の 「#投票ポスター2021」 、2022年の参議院議員総選挙の際の 「#投票ポスター2022」 を企画・運営してきました。今回は運営の傍ら、やっと自分のポスターをつくることができたことがうれしい。多くの人が投票について考え、1票と投じてくれるよう、できる限りのことをしたいと思います。
この投票ポスターという企画は、投票率を上げること、投票について改めて考えることを目的として、投票に行くことを呼びかけるポスターを制作したり、そのポスターを家や街中に貼ったり、SNSで拡散したりして、身近な人と選挙について対話するきっかけを生み出すプロジェクトです。私は惣田紗希さん(グラフィックデザイナー/イラストレーター)と岡あゆみさん(編集者)と共に運営メンバーとして、2021年の衆議院議員総選挙の際の 「#投票ポスター2021」 、2022年の参議院議員総選挙の際の 「#投票ポスター2022」 を企画・運営してきました。今回は運営の傍ら、やっと自分のポスターをつくることができたことがうれしい。多くの人が投票について考え、1票と投じてくれるよう、できる限りのことをしたいと思います。
Project: 投票ポスター2023
Organisers: 表現と政治
Created in March 2023