No More Empty Promises
Short animation for climate action

In March 2021, Fridays for Future from all around the world called for international climate action. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, most of the action was held online. The main slogan was “No More Empty Promises”.
I strongly feel angry and also worried about the fact that people in power such as politicians and executives of huge corporations are not taking climate crisis seriously.
I strongly feel angry and also worried about the fact that people in power such as politicians and executives of huge corporations are not taking climate crisis seriously.
2021年の3月に世界中のFridays for Futureによって世界気候アクションが呼びかけられました。新型コロナウイルス感染対策の真っ只中だったため、ほとんどのアクションはオンラインで行われることに。今回のメインスローガンは「No More Empty Promises(空虚な約束はもういらない)」でした。
Created in 2021