Ne Ne Ne
CD jacket and lyric cards art direction

Nana Honjo - she is a singer-songwriter, born in Akita. This is her 6-song CD album, all about Nekko village in Akita where she, her husband and two sons live. This remote village is surrounded by deep green forests full of animals even black bears. Her songs tell you the fulfilled lives with family-like neighbours and great nature. The Italian celebrated illustrator, Elisa Talentino depicted Japanese nature very beautifully.
本城奈々 - 秋田県生まれのシンガーソングライター。このCDは彼女が旦那さんと二人の息子さんと共に暮らす秋田にある根子集落について歌った6曲をまとめたもの。ツキノワグマを含む、たくさんの動物たちが住む深い緑の森に囲まれている集落です
Songwriter: Nana Honjo
Illustration: Elisa Talentino
Designed in 2018