Japan Beyond Coal
Website renewal design for climate action campaign

It is a website renewal design work for a campaign called Japan Beyond Coal. As the name suggests, it is a campaign to call for the end of coal use in Japan. Beyond Coal projects are active internationally, and it has local branches in the US, Australia and South Korea.
Although the previous website worked well for some, it had the impression of limiting the target audience to a group of people who are already knowledgeable about the impact of fossil fuels and the severity of climate change. The client wanted to change the website to attract a broader audience including young students, elderly people, and people who are not aware of the issue of coal usage.
The illustrations are made by Shoko Kawai. I asked her to draw friendly and fun illustrations to set the overall tone of voice. The small people represent civilians power, and it illustrates that we can create a better future together.
Although the previous website worked well for some, it had the impression of limiting the target audience to a group of people who are already knowledgeable about the impact of fossil fuels and the severity of climate change. The client wanted to change the website to attract a broader audience including young students, elderly people, and people who are not aware of the issue of coal usage.
The illustrations are made by Shoko Kawai. I asked her to draw friendly and fun illustrations to set the overall tone of voice. The small people represent civilians power, and it illustrates that we can create a better future together.
Japan Beyond Coal というキャンペーンのウェブサイトリニューアルのデザインを担当しました。日本から石炭をなくそうというキャンペーンです。Beyond Coal は国際的に活動していて、アメリカ、オーストラリア、韓国にもその国の支部があります。
Japan Beyond Coalの以前のサイトは化石燃料の影響や気候変動の深刻さについてすでに知識のある層には届いていましたが、少しハードルの高い印象でした。クライアントからは、若い学生や高齢者、石炭火力の問題についてあまりよく知らない人々など、より幅広い読者を惹きつけるウェブサイトに変えたいという相談を受け、今回のリニューアルデザインにいたりました。
Japan Beyond Coalの以前のサイトは化石燃料の影響や気候変動の深刻さについてすでに知識のある層には届いていましたが、少しハードルの高い印象でした。クライアントからは、若い学生や高齢者、石炭火力の問題についてあまりよく知らない人々など、より幅広い読者を惹きつけるウェブサイトに変えたいという相談を受け、今回のリニューアルデザインにいたりました。
︎︎︎ Japan Beyond Coal
Client: Kiko Network
Illustration: Shoko Kawai
Programming: Ark web
Designed in 2023