Poster and banner design for gender-balanced politics

I designed an anti-harassment poster and seminar banner for the FIFTYS PROJECT, which aims to close the gender gap in the political field.

The poster illustration is by Yuka Osada. We asked her to draw a realistic situation of a method called 5D that you can do when you come across harassment. The illustration in the banner is by Saki Soda.  

FIFTYS PROJECT supported female candidates (including transgender and non-binary people) in the local elections held in April 2023. They achieved outstanding results – out of the 29 candidates they supported, 24 were elected.

The reality is that Japanese politics is overwhelmingly dominated by older men. The voices of women, sexual minorities, young people, people with disabilities and people with non-Japanese roots are not easily heard. I would like to continue cooperating with the FIFTYS PROJECT to support its future activities to flourish.

政治分野のジェンダーギャップ解消を目指すFIFTYS PROJECTのプロジェクトのハラスメント撲滅ポスター、FIFTYS PROJECTゼミのバナーをデザインしました。


FIFTYS PROJECTは2023年4月に行われた統一地方選挙で、サポートをした29名の候補者のうち、24名が当選にいたり、目覚ましい成果を出しています。

日本の政治には圧倒的に年配の男性が多く、女性、性的マイノリティ、若者、障がい者、外国ルーツのある人の声も届きにくい現実があると思います。現実社会に多様性があるように、政治分野でそれぞれの声を代弁してくれる政治家が増えてほしい。FIFTYS PROJECTのこれからの活動が盛り上がるよう、引き続きデザイン面で協力していきたいです。

Poster Illustration: Yuka Osada 
Banner Illustration: Souda Saki
Created in 2023

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