Book review “CAPS LOCK”

Short article for Japan Graphic Design Association  

I wrote a book review of CAPS LOCK (2021) for The Graphic Design Review run by Japan Graphic Design Association (I’m afraid it’s in Japanese only). Ruben Pater – the author of CAPS LOCK, wrote a historical/current relationship between capitalism and graphic design in this brick-like book with 552 pages. His previous book The Politics of Design(2016) gave me a huge impact – which was the main reason why I decided to go back to a university. It was such an honour to have this opportunity.
The Graphic Design Reviewに『CAPS LOCK─資本主義はグラフィックデザインをどのように捕らえたか、そして(私たちは)どうやってそこから逃げだすか(意訳)』の書評を寄稿しました。日本語版が出版されていない本なので、内容についてもざっくりと説明しています(本自体は552ページあります)。この本の著者ルーベン・ペーターさんの前著『The Politics of Design』に影響を受けて、大学院の道に進むことにした経緯があるので、今回このような機会をいただけて光栄です。

Client: Japan Graphic Design Association Inc.
Editor: Kiyonori Muroga
Written in 2022

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