Dialogue-focused playing card design

I had an opportunity to design the playing card called "Connect and Make the most", which is delivered by NPO Greenz to its members. This card is based on the theme of "Connect and Make the most" and provides an opportunity to reflect on one's own relationship with the people and environment around them, and to think about one's way of being.
Each time you draw a card, you will make interesting discoveries, such as asking fundamental questions or being reminded of the different types of ‘capital’ that exist in the world. Another feature of the cards is that they let you zoom in and out from the individual to the local community, and even to the world as a whole. The illustrations were drawn by Yone. The large poster depicts an image of an imaginary place where the theme "Connect and Make the most" has put into practice.
Each time you draw a card, you will make interesting discoveries, such as asking fundamental questions or being reminded of the different types of ‘capital’ that exist in the world. Another feature of the cards is that they let you zoom in and out from the individual to the local community, and even to the world as a whole. The illustrations were drawn by Yone. The large poster depicts an image of an imaginary place where the theme "Connect and Make the most" has put into practice.
NPO法人グリーンズが会員メンバーにお届けする 「いかしあうつながりカード」 のグラフィックデザインを担当しました。このカードは「いかしあうつながり」をテーマに、周囲の人や環境と自身の関係性を見つめ直し、自分の在り方を考えるきっかけを与えてくれるカードです。
根本的な問いを投げかけられたり、世の中に存在しているさまざまな種類の 「資本」 について気付かされたりと、カードを引くごとに面白い発見があります。また自分という個人からコミュニティや世界全体までに視野がズームイン/アウトしていくのもこのカードの特徴です。
根本的な問いを投げかけられたり、世の中に存在しているさまざまな種類の 「資本」 について気付かされたりと、カードを引くごとに面白い発見があります。また自分という個人からコミュニティや世界全体までに視野がズームイン/アウトしていくのもこのカードの特徴です。
Client: NPO Greenz
Illustration: Yone
Created in April, 2020